Here's the extract from one former MUET taker (read it if you hvnt see it b4)
There is a way to score well in MUET. One thing for sure , never rely on your listening part even though i can guarantee almost all of you would score a perfect score in school level. WHY? 90% Of the time , the speakers in school tend to play a prank on us. Yes, they're always very "echo-ish" and you can't possibly listen well. Besides, Listening only gives you 15 % of the marks. BUT , i am not asking you to totally abandoned it.Just , do not trust the school speakers.
The most important part is the reading comprehension. It weigh up to 45 % of your marks. that's like almost half of the total marks. So , this part is VERY important. I used to suck a lot in this part until one day , i found a very effective way to understand the passage. UNDERLINE. that's the key word. Try to just read through very quickly the passage cause the passage tend to be very long , and later read the question , so you know roughly what to find in the passage. Then read again and underlined what you think it is important. You do not need to be someone with bombastic English to score in this part. The most important thing is , you understand roughly what the passage is about, and trust me you'll have no problem answering it. For the cloze text, you'll need to do a lot of sample test for it. Buy a lot of model papers to do for this paper and later you'll find most of the questions are almost similar. Remember , this section is very important. If you can score this part, you won't need to worry about not scoring a band 4 again.
The speaking , honestly i do not know how they actually judge it. Cause , i do have a "quite" good speaking English , but i scored only 30 /45 . I was kind of disappointed because most of my friends who speak really lousy English , they scored almost the same marks . So , i think teachers are quite lenient if you cannot speak good English , while if you're good ,they will be strict. However , if you can't speak good English , do not ever try to use bombastic words. This part is not bout what word you use (of course , it's a credit if you use beautiful words) , but it is more on how fluent your english is. And if you really suck in speaking , just say it in broken english , but make sure you get a point there and said it clearly.
The writing section is often the most difficult part. I scored a "so-so" mark for my writing , but i would say the question for the essays are usually difficult. They'll ask you things you never really thought of. So , never underestimate any important agenda around , cause that's the one that most likely to come out.I don't know , maybe it's kind of like a spell. (haha) however, it is important to know what is the hottest news in the country because giving a realistic examples is a huge credit.