Sunday, December 16, 2012

A little thing about my Dad and I...


It's my ah Pa's birthday! 1216 and now he is officially 50+1 years-old. Imagine how the time flies and gradually consumes him year after year... We all do.

I know it is not exactly his birthday, he just used to this as his birthday just as registered on his ID card. He doesn't even know his exact birthday. It was a long long story... to talk about. Pity with my dad's background upon I learned the truth since I was "adult enough" to know all this, I have never know if I could handle all these... "ordeal". Never experience never know.

Somehow, I was never in a very "good" relationship with my dad. I just have no idea. Some people are close to their mum, a typical mummy boy; some are more to their dad, a typical daddy girl. I am closer to my mum since I will always refer my mum for everything. For money matter, of course I will refer to my dad. LOLx.
For once, I see my fate as not so matchy with my dad, because both of us seldom approve one thing unanimously, and my mum will always be the trouble-shooter between us. I know we are both too stubborn to compromise. Sometimes, I disagreed with him because his is just far far being too nice, too generous to others. Conversely, he couldn't bear our selfishness and that kind of indifference when asked for the favor.

Anyhow, without my dad, I wouldn't have existed now. Believe it, I am my father's only daughter. You could see the resemblance right, the significant chin and also the skinny cheek, belly-less. Ahahaha.

Ohya, I have just texted my dad in Chinese on his birthday. I think it's once in a blue moon matter. (wait a minute, not to say I am not a devoted daughter, but the fact that my dad is not a techno-savvy person)XD
and guess what, HE REPLIED ME in ENGLISH...~  Here it goes:

" Tq. My daughter, wish u all the success on exam. & always healthy."

How surprise I was!! Not to mention he was once working overseas, and he taught me primary English words. I thought he has forgotten all these ABCs. hahahahaha...

I don't know about other. But in my family, we have been practiced the... how to say... "veiled love" or more to the "inert chemicals". We didn't hug, we didn't have goodnight kiss, we didn't celebrate any events, we didn't give utterance to our love ever since we have grown up.
* I still remember the time when I was young about 5 years old, my dad loved to kiss me on the cheek before sleeping, and I didn't like it very much, just because of his "pricking" mustache LOLxxx.*
Even though, we as the children have never really shown our "tangible" love, but deep down there, you and I know exactly how much love we hold for each others. It is undisputed.

"We are always one as a family". Check!

with love from your daughter.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A song to reminisce...

残旧的教室蓝白色的制服, 陪我们度过了五年的岁月...

It's definitely a song to reminisce my five-year-secondary-school-life, or to be more exact it was 1826 days. A five-year-old song, lots of memories, laughter, craziness,and also last but not least our "youth"and "voice" to remember....XD

HAHAHAHAHA - my first reponse while watching this epic video.
Anyway, the video brings me back to that precious moment, triggers my emotions, lots of touching scenes...
Sometimes we might feel "hardly" to accept the old-self,
at the end of the day I just have to admit, it was the "old-self" that delivered us the gleeful faces, laughter and brought us to the present, created who you are now...

Friends, do you miss each others since the old days?

Credits to the artcreator329, the lyrics writers for me to have this reminiscence.
Much love and appreciation from here. <3 p="p">

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Word On Statistics

I get to know her when I first encountered with her impressed Nobel Prize winning poetry (quite random), which is
"The Three Oddest Words"
Then I did some info-searching on her which was quite intriguing...
She is a polish.
She is Wislawa Szymborska.

In the year of 1996, the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to her "for poetry that with ironic precision allows the historical and biological context to come to light ion fragments of human reality"

Deep enough? Just keep it slow~

Few days ago, I was having some time for some meaningful readings (of course not via books), I found another interesting poetry by the lovely Mdm Szymborska, adapted from the Miracle Fair: selected poems of Wislawa Szymborska.
"A Word On Statistics"
Out of every hundred people,
those who always know better:

Unsure of every step:
almost all the rest.

Ready to help,
if it doesn't take long:

Always good,
because they cannot be otherwise:
four -- well, maybe five.

Able to admire without envy:

Led to error
by youth (which passes):
sixty, plus or minus.

Those not to be messed with:

Living in constant fear
of someone or something:

Capable of happiness:
twenty-some-odd at most.

Harmless alone,
turning savage in crowds:
more than half, for sure.

when forced by circumstances:
it's better not to know,
not even approximately.

Wise in hindsight:
not many more than wise in foresight.

Getting nothing out of life except things:
thirty (though I would like to be wrong).

Balled up in pain
and without a flashlight in the dark:
eighty-three, sooner or later.

Those who are just:
quite a few, thirty-five.

But if it takes effort to understand:

Worthy of empathy:

one hundred out of one hundred --
a figure that has never varied yet.

(translated from polish by Joanna Trzeciak)

Chinese version available here

Although this was written at the late 90's, Madam Szymborska did contribute some witty and wonderful figures in statistics of the humanity purely from her point of view, even until this decade, I think it applies~
As i explored more about Szymborska, I was saddened by her death's news, which happened recently.
In a memory of Wislawa Szymborska (1923 - 2012)

Perhaps you might find all these bored, dull or tedious...but nvm.
I was never in love with all these literature stuff too, but when I encountered one as meaningful as these, I would fall for them instantly, because Wislawa Szymborska was able to write and embrace humanities.

I enjoy many beautiful things in this world as I am not one of the "thirty", and I try to be one of the "twenty-some-odd at most" and "eighty-three" sooner or later~ because I will always be one of the "one hundred out of one hundred".

Thank you for reading...^^

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Finally 我的“述说中学生涯”诞生了~

o/s 唉,语文用法真的很“棘手”eh.... 退步中...

你可知道那时候要踏入依不啦啦欣是件不容易的事咧~全科优等才会被优先理会也。很臭美一下的学校,但吾还是爱吾校的。哈哈。十四位小学同学 (陈林黄谢刘杨翁彭温高)就这样被入取了。哇,要记得这些人突然有些困难。犹记得登记日的那天,我爸好像是“舍弃”了我,只好由妈妈代劳了,那时很是生气我爸的不负责任。草草的,然后我就这样认识了几位新好友咯,她们就是倪同学,陈同学,黄同学,洪同学,林同学和邹同学了。要知道在中一认识的朋友以为将来会是以后的好友,那是未知数的。


又要分班了,我的伙伴依然是殷同学,而她还是那么的“专心逼人”,我惭愧极了。。。那时班上其实还有好多隐约的故事可以一起回想的。在这一年渐渐的就开始注意到一位姓钟的同学,性格有点孤僻的说(是过去式啦,现在是判若两人吧!同意不? 好像是因某人的缘故,朋友的力量好伟大啊~)。还有不忘了是考PMR的一年哦。考完了,就是做义工的时候,我记得大家一齐同心协力绘出的壁画呢!

年纪过了二十,脑力还真的有退化了,中一至中三的生活,眨眼间就这样过了。。。记得Pn Leong可是我见过最好的地理老师,数学就是Pn Ng了。最讨厌的当然是马来文学了,一生中就读了那三本长篇马来小说了:Aku Anak Timur, Kapten Hassan Wira Bangsa 和 Merdeka Merdeka. 课外活动方面,我是废柴哈哈,只求过关,不求名堂,很衰的是,我的Sultan运动组那几年都名落孙山的。朋友之中发生的事也不计其数,有闹翻的,有小冲突的,有假面的,有巧妙的,突然很同调的,当然也少不了小情侣咯。

中四参与了一个我觉得获益不浅的活动 - Choir班。原以为大家在胡同学的带领和努力下,我校可以再下一城,事与愿违奈何只获得区比赛二奶,当时我们热泪盈眶,失望极了。不是胡同学的不好,只是不忿评判的裁决。塞翁失马,我校虽然输了比赛,但依然荣获州教育局的邀请到了宏愿礼堂和州体育馆上演了两场盛况空前的表演。*无比感动的回忆*

o/s 我被陈同学给遮了。哈哈。

收起了玩耍的心情,准备面对中学的关键大考了。我上了一班非凡的甲班,个个都是劲爆的读书的料,几乎所有科目都90分以上,我傻眼了,把我都比下去了,也只好尽力了。因为得完成什么道德教育课业,我们还史上到访了孤儿院。没错,原谅我就是这样的女生,中学的我是那么的注重学业~有哪一次去拜拜,许愿望不是求学业猛进之类的,哈哈~ 其它的事我就尽量置身之外了。

