So, who is the culprit who provoke my lecturer's disappointment by giving him 3, not all 5 marks during the evaluation form-filling session? S/he really tak tau jadi ORANG!
At least all must 4 or 5 marks right?! since he is really a good lecturer.
The other day, our lecturer has just promised us to give us a 9.5 upon 10 marks of the presentation part, without having to "present" anything. The only T/C is all of us must wear the traditional custom.
After all the time, going up hill and down dale in searching for the cheongsam to wear at the class, eventually it made us seemed like a moron, fighting for the free and easy marks. ==''
Lecturer was not suppose to know the evaluation result before the officially statement. But, who knows that stupid officer collected the evaluation forms in front of him, and let he peeked on it.
Thus, he said frankly to us that he has glanced of 2 or 3 marks in some of the forms (quite annoyed). Suddenly he declared his disappointment for he is a delicate lecturer and he felt that he has not done any irresponsible things at every class. Just wondering why some students could evaluate him that low.
He stopped his lecture and requested the presentation from every group on the day after tomorrow. Then, he left in full annoyance.
* For the information, he is the best lecturer in his department for 5 successive years. No wonder he had that kind of reaction, afraid of our batch could spoil his career... sounds like small gas????