I know it is not a proper time to complain any, especially it is just my 3rd week. Everyone here I must say is a 'real steel', they could work until 10pm! Of course, I am in the list too. My latest record was until 830pm, which is due tonight. I have never ever thought I could stay at office til that late that I am so hardworking to do so. Fast and efficient is the motto here. Learning fast is crucial, asking in time is important, highlighting the problems is vital. But I am totally in mess and shit this week. Working hours I can feel my heart beating fast too, too nervous and worry to never get a task done on time. For the past week, I almost got nightmares every night on their products, coz you know there are 100++ of products to be familiar with! Who won't?!! 'Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be so hard'. All these ordeal, and I keep asking God why I am the one, for all the mighty God shake, hope I will survive it AGAIN!