Monday, September 23, 2013

Simply not ordinary cherry

Please... Please... Learn to pronounce CHERYL! Che~~ryl~~ Is share-rel lahhhh. Definitely NOT CHERRY!!! Gotta put a L after it. I didn't know since when I named after myself a fruit name, although kind of cute name for me according to colleagues. Buek~
Two person wanna speak to Cherry today. And I was the one who answered them with "Huh?! Who?", w/o expecting they were suppose looking for me--Cheryl instead! Ended up I concede to them: Yes, I am. But I am Miss Lim. Fuh, totally abandoned my Cheryl, letting them Cherry me... How come my adorable Cheryl has become some sort of by-product of cherry's awkwardness.
There's reason why I don't call myself Cheryl, but I do write myself as Cheryl in email, which led to the situation above, because... My manager is SHARON. Try to call Sharon and Cheryl, in quick... Two will answer u.
Now they address me as Ms Lim, which I found also like calling Christean (collegue) in murmuring. Arghh. YC ME lahhh!
Another thing, one of my collegues so likes to 'funny' Daphne (another colleague). Pun intended. This is due to her mouth-slipped 'phanie' syndrome. U know... Stephanie (collegue too), Tiffany, etc. So she always DAPHANIE Daphne, even trained by several times!
Funny collegues with still-okay Monday blue.@@

Saturday, September 21, 2013


《聽見下雨的聲音》 電影同名主題曲

填詞/ 方文山 譜曲/ 周杰倫 演唱/ 魏如昀

竹籬上 停留著蜻蜓 
玻璃瓶裡插滿 小小森林 
青春 嫩綠的很鮮明 

百葉窗 折射的光影 
像有著心事的 一張表情 
而你 低頭拆信 想知道關於我的事情 

青苔入鏡 簷下風鈴 搖晃曾經 
回憶是 一行行無從 剪接的風景 愛始終年輕 

而我聽見 下雨的聲音 
想起你用唇語 說愛情 
幸福也可以 很安靜 
我付出一直 很小心 

終於聽見 下雨的聲音 
於是我的世界 被吵醒 
就怕情緒 紅了眼睛 
不捨的淚 在彼此的 臉上透明 

愛在過境 緣份不停 誰在擔心 
窗台上 滴落的雨滴 輕敲著傷心 淒美而動聽 

而我聽見 下雨的聲音 
想起你用唇語 說愛情 
熱戀的時刻 最任性 
不顧一切的 給約定 

終於聽見 下雨的聲音 
於是我的世界 被吵醒 
發現你始終 很靠近 
默默的陪在 我身邊 態度堅定

Wings by Birdy

Seventeen TALENT!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Worthy by Jacob Banks

Suits Season 3 Episode 9 "Bad Faith"
Scene description: Rachel told Mike she got into Stanford