Sunday, August 26, 2012



九六至九九年的回忆。那四年发生的一切只有淡淡的回忆描写好了。只知道老爸报晚了名额,所以上了最后一班 - 1F,已经不记得我是否有哭着去上学了。不妨对你说,苑钏小姐我可是很安静的小孩哦,所以朋友不多。最烦恼的是很多人都不晓得念我的名字,总是把它念成“宛川”。
在认识了一些小学朋友,也是同个住区邻居后,就开始混着一起玩了咯。那是电脑,无线网络还未盛行的时代,所以每个傍晚我们都会有自个儿安排的游戏节目哦,如:“踩脚踏车,抓迷藏,123木偶人,弹珠bakuli, 打羽球。游乐场是我们必去的老地方,荡秋千,跷跷板,溜滑梯。。。。。。无一不晓!犹记得,小时候,磕磕碰碰,跌跌撞撞可是我们一定会经历的事情。“磕磕碰碰”是指小朋友之间的乱架,而“跌跌撞撞”就是指擦伤跌倒了。我身上总有跌倒的小痕迹。
差点忘了,小学时代,我可有很羡慕一些同学哦,我羡慕她们的才华还把他们当成了学习的榜样。他们就是现在的:刘同学, 陈同学,杨同学,郭同学和黄同学了(你们认识的)。他们可是学校明日之星噢,载歌载舞,能言善辩,琴棋书画无所不通。我还有两位最要好的朋友:李同学和叶同学。只可惜,我们并没有把握彼此的缘分,我们失去联络了。




Friday, August 24, 2012

What am I doing?

Well, I am not a nerd. But, I can totally amuse myself with this splendid idea: surfing on masterpieces of art, photography etc. Art-inspired freak, amateur artists, surreal photography all are "je ne seis quoi"

You can always keep abreast with these brilliance here

For now, I want to share my latest interest in double exposure by Miki Takahashi, an awesome creator. 
Her series of portraits amazed me very much: Smoke, Inside, Out of shape, In Nature Sense, In Urban Sense, Two Sides of Personality. 

Appreciate these photos if you like them to support Ms Miki. =)

It's weird, I mean I am an avid fan of art but I am just not one of them who create these. I would rather be impressed by their creativity and originality though... 

PS, my fav series is In urban sense.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Help or not to help

I don't usually do this.
I don't like to blow my own trumpet after doing good deeds.
However, when you treat people good, you act good to people, these people will be greedier and go too far away, farther than you could imagine.

That's made me vacillated between mercy and selfish.

and being mercy, I won't lose anything for helping, people may just take you for granted. You take a deep breath, everything will be okay than ever because you do something great this time.

and being selfish, I won't lose anything too, it may just on my conscience. I rethink the action, and I feel shame for being that person.

Everyone has his/her own limit.
Sometimes we could help; sometimes we couldn't;
Sometimes we do want to help; sometimes we don't.
Sometimes we choose to help, sometimes we choose not to.

Option is all up to you. No right or wrong.
Friends help you, you help friends back.
I did not owe anybody, so do you.
I owe my family only.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Put it in a...


*recently being infected by this nutshell allergen. Thanks to the person who understand what I mean*

 no "3/4 quarter speech" to show here, just...

Wait a minute, I am officially released from the "six-month sentence". 815 Hooray~

Here are five lessons I have learned via my internship:

1. Frugality.
You know la... Business, everything is about the money. So we have to do our best to save, save and save. All we have to do is using our "creativity" to curtail the spending. For typical one, reuse the paper or so called "fully use" the blank area. Next, amendment in the labeling. We can use different blank white sticker to hide the wrong part. There are etc etc n etc. Oh ya, better don't simply on extra air-conditioner and do OT... Manager will confront you. 

2. Mum's the word.
Myself had failed to do this in the first place as I told somebody my allowance and went too far about my background. But now, I learn to keep mum about myself. Never ever simply share your information with strangers, not until you see him or her through and through. Brilliant move?! Somebody taught me this in the org. 
3. Subtle observer
I really learned this even though I know I  have already had subtle mind. HAHA * narcissism* If you want to bad-mouth about somebody, better watch out! Devil might be spoken. Also, when you wanna sneaking around, beware of the CCTV. Eating snake must have the limit too. Last tip: you should have in-hand information to formulate whose ass to kiss. *Don't be judgy as it's a fact of living*
 4. Nod your head
Nod your approval no matter what. "Right" is always by your boss's side. You will not stand a chance to say: "Boss, I think you....". Nah nah nah, triple cross "XXX". But then if you have a gut to say it or beh tahan liao, dare it. Good Boss might listen to you but it is on own your own peril. I tried once, to oppose Madam's perception regarding the products' problem, and there's no way for me to retort. Turns out I treated the subsequent problems nonchalantly.
5.  Fierce
I could not fierce with strangers. I was asked by the supervisor to bark at the operators whenever they act wrongly. Frankly I can be fierce in front of family, but just could not imagine myself bark like a fierce dog in front of foreigners coz I am shy. Most of the time, I just reiterated my comment softly and passed them. LAME. Still, I should really equip myself with this kind of "quality" in the near future. BE FIERCE!