Friday, December 19, 2008

Curtail your spending, por favor

Since 4/12 , I learned that my expense had been increased day by day without working. My parents have advised me not to spend money excessively. Yalar yalar, but being a shopping binge is the nature for women. I can't control myself ma =p . While arguing with my mum, I "split" my brother out coz he did the same things too. According to contemporary trends, men can also be a shopaholic.

Eventually, My mum's "long gas" speech was of no avail to us. So she started to pick up her secret weapon ---- newspaper. a piece of essay, about the past and today's life... Haiya, not again... every time also use the same method whenever my mum lose in the debate.

Here is the short excerpt:




“ 勒紧腰带”的生活,在像这一代的人,几乎人人都经过,上一代的更不必说。这一群人经历过战争、屠杀、饥饿、死亡、疾病、失业等等的侵袭,他们从恶劣的环境中长大;从来没有见过一粒巧克力糖,更没有玩过一个洋娃娃或一辆玩具车,住过“72房客”式的房子,或雨天漏水的亚答屋,一日三餐吃不饱;吃一次鸡肉,是生活的高潮,所以“勒紧腰带”是小事一件!



他们口袋里有了钱以后,他们不但追求5C生活,吃的口味也变了;过去吃普通白米,现在吃有塑料袋包装的品牌高级香米,过去吃沙丁鱼,现在吃金枪鱼,过去吃黄梨和木瓜,现在吃樱桃,草莓和柿子,过去用肥皂冲凉,现在用名牌沐浴露,生活在“布尔乔亚”(bourgeoisie)的情调,手提袋用法国、意大利名牌、鞋子、衣服也是进口时尚品牌、喝咖啡不再去咖啡店或小贩中心,他们到Starbuck、The Coffee Bean去喝“拿铁”泡沫咖啡,过着中产阶级坦荡荡的生活。




So, what feedback should I give to my mum after reading this... seal up my mouth?


Scamille said...

Well if for me,I felt that our parents is working very hard to earn money so we shudn't 'spend money like water' or take their afford of earning money as granted..
Mayb it's because I'm not a shopaholic or I'm stingy or whatever it is,still we have to appreciate what we have and what others dun have.
So...I suggest u only to be a shopaholic after ur earning ur own pocket money..>< No offence..Haha~~

CHerYL said...

ya... i m seeking for the job now... ^^ thanks for the feedback... nice moral lesson

CHerYL said...
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